Changes in the Management Board of 3D-Micromac AG

Tino Petsch hands over the management of the company to Uwe Wagner

Chemnitz, February 1, 2021 – 3D-Micromac AG, the leading specialist in laser micromachining and roll-to-roll laser processing systems, is pleased to announce that as part of its successful strategic realignment, a consortium of US investors has acquired a majority stake in the company. The founder and previous majority shareholder Tino Petsch has also sold part of his share package and will withdraw from the operative business. His former fellow board member, Uwe Wagner, will continue to manage the business of 3D-Micromac AG with overall responsibility for the company.

Tino Petsch founded 3D-Micromac AG in 2002, built it up over the years and represented it as a board member. Together with Uwe Wagner, Tino Petsch has consistently advanced the company in recent years, putting 3D-Micromac AG on a solid economic footing – that has been maintained despite the current difficult times. The investors now acquired also contribute to this. Tino Petsch will remain with 3D-Micromac AG as a consultant and will continue to be associated with the company as a shareholder.

Uwe Wagner began his professional career at the Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH). Following that, he was responsible for product management, international sales and the development of new business areas at LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, Jenoptik Automatisierungstechnik GmbH and Jenoptik Laser GmbH, among others, and worked in business development at Jenoptik’s Lasers & Material Processing division. Uwe Wagner joined 3D-Micromac AG in 2012. After starting in business development, Uwe Wagner was appointed Chief Sales Officer (CSO) in 2013. In early 2017, Uwe Wagner took over the technological management of the company as Chief Technology Officer (CTO). In the same year, he was appointed to the Management Board.

Tino Petsch and the Supervisory Board of 3D-Micromac agree: “With his industry experience and many years in the management of 3D-Micromac AG, Uwe Wagner is ideally qualified to successfully continue the company’s current path and to establish 3D-Micromac even more firmly as an innovator in growth markets such as the semiconductor and display industries. We put our trust in him and wish him every success.”

Uwe Wagner and the Supervisory Board of the company would like to thank Tino Petsch for his extraordinary commitment over the past years and wish him all the best for the future, both privately and professionally.

About 3D-Micromac

Founded in 2002, 3D-Micromac AG is the industry leader in laser micromachining, delivering powerful, user-friendly, and leading-edge processes with superior production efficiency. We develop processes, machines, and turnkey solutions at the highest technical and technological level. 3D-Micromac systems and services have been successfully implemented in various high-tech industries worldwide including photovoltaic, semiconductor, glass and display industries, micro diagnostics, and medical technology. For more information, visit the company’s website at


Mandy Gebhardt
Teamleader Marketing and Public Relations
3D-Micromac AG
Tel: +49 371 40043-922