Impact of Laser Sample Prep on Microstructure Diagnostics Workflows
Discover how 3D-Micromac’s cutting-edge tools, microPREP PRO and microPREP PRO FEMTO, are enhancing sample preparation for researchers and diagnostic laboratories.
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Discover how 3D-Micromac’s cutting-edge tools, microPREP PRO and microPREP PRO FEMTO, are enhancing sample preparation for researchers and diagnostic laboratories.
The webinar will introduce a synergistic workflow, incorporating plasma FIB technology & the addition of a high-speed laser ablation technique
This webinar will provide insights into how these modern specimen preparation techniques can significantly reduce complexity and improve efficiency
microPREP® PRO FEMTO Sample Preparation System from 3D-Micromac honored with 2024 Laser Focus World Innovators Award
Laser micromachining expert exclusively supplies Infineon Dresden with the microVEGA FC laser-trimming system
Meet 3D-Micromac at the LASER World of Photonics in Munich to learn more about our capabilities regarding laser micromachining for glass & other substrates.
Join our free webinar on Laser Cutting for Separating Waveguides for AR Devices about cutting high-index glass used for AR waveguides
Join our free webinar on laser drilling of high-precision micro holes about various laser drilling processes 3D-Micromac is capable of.
3D-Micromac to present breakthroughs in laser micromachining for semiconductor manufacturing and advanced packaging at SEMICON West